Insurance law in the Netherlands

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The Dutch have a reputation as an insurance-loving nation. Still, only two types of insurance (verzekering in Dutch) are mandatory in the Netherlands:

If you have a mortgage on a house, your mortgage lender will usually also require you to take out building insurance on the property (which is essentially fire insurance plus some additional coverage).

Insurance regulation authority in the Netherlands

Insurance providers in the Netherlands are monitored by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), the central supervisor and regulation authority for banks and insurance companies based in the Netherlands. DNB issues permits to insurance companies and monitors their financial status and the trustworthiness and expertise of their directors.

Dutch public healthcare insurance

Health insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands. The Dutch health insurance system requires every person living and/or working in the Netherlands to have a basic medical insurance policy. Insurance providers offer various levels of coverage to meet different needs. Basic coverage is mandated by law, and is quite extensive by international standards. Children under 18 are covered by their parents’ policy. The government imposes strong anti-selection principles in health insurance: insurance companies in the Netherlands are obliged to accept anyone who applies for a basic health insurance policy, regardless of age, gender, nationality or medical history.

Filing an insurance claim

If you want to claim something on your insurance, please contact your provider to check your exact insurance coverage. Your insurance provider will tell you what information and documents they need to process your claim. In some cases, such as if you have been in a car accident involving another vehicle, you will need the other party to complete part of the claim form.

Is insurance deductible?

Insurance premiums are not tax-deductible. However, the Dutch government does offer healthcare benefits (zorgtoeslag in Dutch) for lower-income households. For more information, please visit the website of the Dutch Tax Authority.

What is insurance policy?


An insurance policy is a summary of the agreement between the insured party and the insurance company. Insurance policies typically include a brief description of the type of coverage the insurance provides as well as the date the agreement was entered into and the date the coverage will expire. The insurance policy will refer to the policy terms and conditions, where you can find more detailed information.

Insurances in the Netherlands explained

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